Southeastern Schools | February 12-15, 2026 | $2,800+ cost of flights | Registration opens in August

Southeastern Schools | February 12-15, 2026 | $2,800+ cost of flights | Registration opens in August



Fee includes bus, hotel rooms, meals, and all arrangements made for visits to college campuses.

(Proposed itinerary; all details subject to change)

Thursday, February 12:

Students will fly to DCA in the morning. The group will eat lunch in the dining hall at Georgetown and take a campus tour. Depart DC in the afternoon and drive to Lexington, VA for dinner at Salerno’s with current W&L students followed by a tour of Greek housing and the freshman dorms.

Friday, February 13:

Tour W&L campus, meet with a professor, and attend an admission presentation followed by lunch in the dining hall. Drive to UVA for an admission presentation, campus tour, visit to freshman dorms, and tour of Greek housing. Dinner at Trinity on the corner with current UVA students.

Saturday, February 14:

Morning tour of Duke followed by lunch in the dining hall. Afternoon tour of UNC and then dinner on Franklin Street. Overnight in Chapel Hill.

Sunday, February 15:

Depart for Winston Salem and arrive for lunch at the Wake Forest dining hall. Tour Wake campus and visit with current students. Return flights to be booked out of Charlotte Sunday night.

Payment Policy

A non-refundable deposit of $200 is due to reserve a space on the trip. Full payment is due on October 15, 2025.

Cancellation Policy

If a student must cancel more than 30 days prior to the trip, the $200 deposit is forfeited but a credit in the amount of the balance will be issued and can be used by the student or a sibling of the student on any future trip. If a student cancels less than 30 days prior to the trip, the $200 deposit if forfeited and a credit of 50% of the balance will be issued and can be used by the student or a sibling of the student on any future trip.

Registration Closed